Kazakhstan’s New Media Development: Role of Social Media on Society


  • K. N. Mysayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
        210 349

Ключевые слова:

Kazakhstan, new media, impact on society, Internet development, social network analysis.


Kazakhstan has been independent for 25 years. In that time the media landscape dramatically changed, with traditional media (e.g., newspapers, television, radio) now supplemented by online media such as blogs, websites, social networks. Kazakhstan is a leader among the Central Asian countries and the Commonwealth of Independent States in the level of Internet capability. As an Emerging area of concern for developing countries such as Kazakhstan, new media research mainly includes two categories: the history of development of Internet and new media including social media in Kazakhstan, and the role of social media in Kazakh society. This article discusses research that explores the impact of new media, especially social media, on society.

Библиографические ссылки

1 John Pavlik (2001) (p. 8).
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6 Media Sustainability Index of IREX (MSI), ( 2013, p.247)
7 The future of social media. Yvision.kz
8 https://en.wikipedia.org
9 According to statistics from the International Telecommunications Union, http//www.itu.int/ITU-D/ict/statistics/index.html.
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11 TNS Gallup Media Asia Research Company (2004). Accessed athttp://www.tns-global.kz/ru
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13 TNS Web Indexhttp://forbes.kz/stats/internet-auditoriya_kazahstana_portret_i_predpochteniya_polzovatelya/
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15 http://kzcontent.kz/index.php/eng/
16 TNS Gallup Media Asia Research Company (2004). Accessed athttp://www.tns-global.kz/ru


Как цитировать

Mysayeva, K. N. (2016). Kazakhstan’s New Media Development: Role of Social Media on Society. Серия Журналистики, 40(2). извлечено от https://bulletin-journalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-journal/article/view/556



Журналистика: Общество. История. Политика. Закон. Экономика.