From the history of the Turkish publishing industry


  • К. Mukataeva al-Farabi Kazakh National Univesrity, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • G.T. Maikotova al-Farabi Kazakh National Univesrity, Kazakhstan, Almaty
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The article is dedicated to the history of Turkish book business. In the history of printing technology, a huge discovery is the printing of books using a metal font.This method spread to the countries of Europe in the second half of the 15th century, and reached the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century.The article reveals the reason why the year 1503, when the first book in the Turkish state was printed, does not take the beginning of the book industry of this state.In these periods in Europe, in connection with the development of socio-economic relations, with the development of science and culture, the demand for a book.Since hand-written rewriting of books and their release by xylography no longer satisfied the needs of society, book business began to develop.But the Turkish state reacted with fear to new discoveries, because it considered all the discoveries and achievements of science, as well as all the knowledge of the Christian world “unclean” and dangerous for the Islamic world.Since this country developed handwritten rewriting of books, as well as in connection with the fact that in many books the surahs of the Koran were present, which were accepted as sacred books, it was believed that they must necessarily be copied with their own hands.The copyists of the books had a religious education, they knew classical Arabic
ISSN 1563-0242 Herald of journalism. №2 (48). 2018 99
Мукaтaевa К., Мaйкотовa
and religious literature, they studied at the famous Arab and Iranian calligraphers, and mastered
the specialty - hattat.
Thus, the article explains the reasons for the late development of book business in the Turkish state.
Key words: Turkish publishing house, printing house, Turkish state, science, books, literature, xylography,
verse, religious literature, Arabic, Iranian books.


