Foreign and kazakhstan media on the use of artificial intelligence in journalism




One of the modern technologies is artificial intelligence, whose influence extends to all spheres of life, including the media industry, and, to a greater extent, social networks. Objectives of the study: to describe the features of the use of artificial intelligence in journalism, to compare the number of positive and negative assessments in the media regarding artificial intelligence.

The theoretical significance of this study lies in determining the amount of artificial intelligence used in the creation of various media content. The information obtained can be applied in the further study of artificial intelligence in journalism. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using the obtained data in the educational process and in the study of related topics. According to the results obtained, the use of artificial intelligence in journalism today is possible only in those news articles that do not imply a semantic load and an objective assessment of the material. However, we highlight the reach of AI in gathering information and identifying the latest trends, and we conclude that AI journalism has been widely used in newsrooms around the world for the past decade, where technology is capable of delivering articles on financial and sports topics. The essence of the above boils down to the fact that automation frees journalists from routine activities, such as checking grammatical errors and adhering to certain language rules, therefore, it provides a platform for more complete and creative work. This allows more material to be produced and information to be provided more efficiently.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, journalism, algorithm, social media, new technologies, automation



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