Factors of media competence of regional mass media in the implementation of the national program «Ruhany zhangyru»
Key words: Regional mass media, «Ruhany zhangyru», state programs, information support,«Mangylyk El», spirituality, «Туған жер».Abstract
The concept of the national program «Ruhany zhangyru» consists in access to world reserves of science
and technology, access to the treasures of world culture, preserving the values of ancestors. A special
role in the implementation of this idea belongs to the media, including regional ones. In the article
publications about the process through idea of spiritual modernization in mass-media: give the public
a broad discussion, explanation. Mobilize the efforts of our journalists in the field of high-quality and
impartial information dissemination on the basis of renewed ideology and the promotion of progressive,
constructive ideas for the modernization of public consciousness.
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