Formation and development of media literacy in Kazakhstan


  • B.A. Mussayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty,
  • Nello Barile Университет IULM, Итaлия, г. Рим
        49 36


fake, fact-check, democracy, range, competence, convergence in the media industry, media literacy, drone-journalism, media hygiene, discrimination, longrida, infographic., Түйінсөздеp: фейк, фaкт-чекинг, демокрaтия, диaпaзон, компетенция, медиaиндустриядaғы конвергенция, медиaсaуaттылық, дрон-журнaлистикa, медиaгигиенa, дискриминaция, лонгридтер, инфогрaфикa.


The article highlights the concept of media literacy in the information sphere, which is one of the
most important issues to date, and provides information on the development of the media in Kazakhstan.
In the field of information, there are many facts about illiteracy, which today lead to a multitude of problems,
including interethnic conflicts. A common understanding of media and information for democracy
is described. And it also talks about media components and options for using it to efficiently and quickly
access information. How should we today be critical of information and information sources. The article
describes in detail the application of new and traditional media formats in Kazakhstan. One of the
main goals of this article is to introduce the functions of the media and other information services and
to realize their importance for developing a civilian position and making decisions taking into account
all available information. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of various ways of using media in
personal and professional life.

Author Biographies

B.A. Mussayeva, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty,

IULM University, Department of Communication,

Nello Barile, Университет IULM, Итaлия, г. Рим

IULM University, Department of Communication, Art and Media,
Italy, Roma,


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How to Cite

Mussayeva, B., & Barile, N. (2018). Formation and development of media literacy in Kazakhstan. Herald of Journalism, 49(3), 10–17. Retrieved from



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