Means of mass communication in the political processes of society


  • U.M. Yessenbekova L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian national university, Kazakhstan, Astana,
        55 33


Key words: political communication, mass communication, transformation of public consciousness, form of political pluralism.


The article analyzes the relationship between political processes in society, the means of mass communication
and the influence of information on people. The subject of this work is to study the role of
mass communications in preserving the sustainable development of society.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the interconnection of mass communications in democratic
societies with the importance of their spreading platforms of political forces and social groups. The main
scientific and practical value of the work is the establishment of a conceptual similarity of the foundations
of the theory of Herbert Schiller and the functions of modern mass media in the political life of
society. The method of content analysis explored ways of disseminating information useful to members
of society, used by mass communication means.
The main results and conclusions of this work were the definition and forecasting of the place of
mass media in the system of Kazakhstan political communication, giving a progressive character to the
ISSN 1563-0242 Herald of journalism. №3 (49). 2018 19
eISSN 2617-7978
relations between the state and society. The value of the study is the author’s recommendations for improving
the professional level of Kazakhstan’s mass media. The author identifies four important areas,
which should pay attention to domestic means of mass communications. The practical value of these
recommendations will be their application in the formation of strategic planning of the country’s leading
information holdings.

Author Biography

U.M. Yessenbekova, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian national university, Kazakhstan, Astana,

cand.sci.philology, associate Professor,


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How to Cite

Yessenbekova, U. (2018). Means of mass communication in the political processes of society. Herald of Journalism, 49(3), 18–25. Retrieved from



Journalism: Society. Language. History. Policy. Law. Economy.