The Target Audience is an Important Factor Implementations of the Functions of Journalism


  • Абдижaдилкызы Ж. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Рaкымгaлиев Д. КазНУ имени аль-Фараби
        49 38


TV audience, TV show, TV format, target audience, alapocas, rating indicator, teledials, telespree, telecos, timeresult, telepro, public opinion.


The author analyzes the place and role of modern national television journalism in the national information space in the context of the functions of television journalism. In this regard, he emphasizes that the most important factor in the function of television journalism is the study of the target audience. The viewer considers the feedback form as a unique way to communicate with the audience. The need to explore TV audience  rises from the principles of viewers in accordance with the criteria of audience evaluation. In principle, the rating of TV channels gives you nformation about the level of its activity. Every television channel, television program and even television projection, which should be presented
to the audience, should have a target audience. Because, as a result of the implementation of the func tions of television journalism, the channel can meet the needs of the target audience and satisfy their wishes. As a result, you can reach a large audience, regardless of age, social group. It is essential to study the television audience, in particular the target television audience, for a consistent and systematic solution. To identify the structural features and quality indicators of the television audience, the author conducts special surveys and provides detailed diagrams for omestic TV channels, such as “Kazakhstan”, “Khabar”, “31 Channel”, “CPC”, “24 Khabar”. It also highlights some of the modern image of television reporters and classifies their typical shortcomings in their speech culture and provision of information.

Author Biographies

Абдижaдилкызы Ж., Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Candidate of Philological, associate Professor, Al-Farabi, Kazakh national university, Kazakhtan, Almaty

Рaкымгaлиев Д., КазНУ имени аль-Фараби

Master,s degree in journalism, Al-Farabi Kazakh national university, Kazakhtan, Almaty


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How to Cite

Ж., А., & Д., Р. (2019). The Target Audience is an Important Factor Implementations of the Functions of Journalism. Herald of Journalism, 50(4), 25–32. Retrieved from



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