new information technologies, globalization, new media, information industry, Kazakhstan.Abstract
New information technology (IT), erasing the boundaries of time and space are the main “helpers” of the globalization process. And IT, in turn, hanges the traditional economy, and the forms of social activity, and attitudes, lifestyles, habits of people. In Kazakhstan with sovereignty finding the new information-communication infrastructure, new system of the mass media, new media space were formed. Currently, global сommunications and communications systems cover the planet with their high-speed highways. The Internet and network technologies were the impetus for the development of new media communication and changed the media landscape of the XXI century. The development of modern
society is influenced by new information technologies and new media that affect the communication development of countries.
The state innovative programs of Kazakhstan, such as: the electronic government, the space program, the program on development of a national information infrastructure, technoparks, “Information Kazakhstan-2020”, “Digital Kazakhstan” and others promote working out of a new сommunication policy of Kazakhstan taking into account development new IT, the newest media in Republic. Modernization of some the countries and regions can be successful under condition of preservation by a society of the identity in the conditions of communication and economic globalization at the active development of new information technologies and the newest mass media communication.
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