The history of the instrument, the Kyl-kobyz and design features
Musical art, Kyl kobyz art tool,instrument – Kyl kobyz, performing arts, history Kyl kobyz, a traditional musical art.Abstract
This article discusses the history of the origin from ancient times to modern tools – Kyl kobyz, which appears before modern scientists and researchers as the Golden heritage of the Kazakh and Turkic peoples. The study requires different approaches such as: the historical development of instrument design and acoustic features, performance, sound quality, plucked string, etc. Given information about Korkyt, as the founder of instrument – kobyz. Kobyz instrument has been widely studied and researched by both domestic scientists, musicians and foreign scientists. Important ideas were drawn, the instrument was considered by authoritative scientists of the West, as the great – grandfather of the instrument known to all today-the violin. The instrument – kobyz his art evolved: Abyz, bard, zhyrshy, bucks. There is a whole branch of shamans. Some predicted the future others treated patients and people who needed help. Thanks to the features of the tools
sham ns used it as a bridge between the worlds of the living and the dead. It is given in detail in historical evidences and works of scientists. Was affected design features, structure, form, etc and many were touched in this article. There are certain qualities associated with the tools of Kyl-kobyz: educational, moral, aesthetic. This is currently not studied side of the Toolkit as a whole. Many works for kobyz were written. In General,
the kobyz tool can be considered as a multi – tool today, because of its great capabilities.
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