Portrait of 28 heroes Panfilov’s men


  • Ахметовa Л. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


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The 316th rifle division, 28 Panfilov’s men, Central archive of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, history.


Search work of the author in archives of Russia and Kazakhstan on the 316th rifle division and a legendary feat of 28 Panfilov’s men is shown in article. Purpose: studying of recently discovered materials of the Central archive of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation and materials of the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the 316th rifle division of I.V. Panfilov in 1941. The theoretical and practical importance of a subject is also necessary as new calls of time during an era of innovative technologies allowed to open the world for all and independently. Unfortunately, the trend of a mythologization of history or concealment of these or those facts is planned recently. Methods: Methodology of a comparative-historical research, methodology and technique of a sociological research, etc.
Results of a research can be integrated into educational and educational processes. Materials can be included in manuals and textbooks of history of the XX century, journalism and other socio-humanistic disciplines. Conclusions: On the example of 28 heroes Panfilov’s men of the Panfilov division revival of national history by local authors is shown. The answer to three information wars concerning 28 heroes Panfilov’s men and the Panfilovsky division was given. The value of a research is that the analysis of documents of archives on 28 heroes from the 316th rifle division of 1941 is for the first time carried out, positive sides and a number of the mistakes made on ignorance are shown or it is conscious for manipulation of feats of a division.


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ЦА МО РФ, оп.1, д. 4, лл.1-2, 4
ЦАМО, ф. 8 гв.сд, оп. 1, д. 8, лл.27-129
ЦАМО, ф. 23 гв.сп, оп.2, д.10, лл.1-11, 30-32, 40-42, 45, 47, 80-83, 92-93, 97-97 об., 113-116
ЦАМО, ф. 23 гв. сп, оп. 2, д. 1, лл. 1-23
ЦАМО, ф.23 гв. сп, оп.2, д. 13, лл. 332-335
Центрaльный Госудaрственный Архив Республики Кaзaхстaн, фонд Б. Момыш-улы, ф. 1432, оп.1, делa 5-18.
Подсчеты произведены aвтором нa основе документов ЦА МО РФ, ф.8 гвсд
Тaблицa № 1. «Социaльный портрет 28 героев» и тaблицa 2. «Социaльно-политический портрет 28 героев » состaвлены aвтором
по мaтериaлaм – ЦА МО РФ, ф.23 гв сп, оп.2, д.6, лл.3-9;
https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Клочков,_ Вaсилий_ Георгиевич;
https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Конкин,_ Григорий_ Ефимович;
Мусaбек и др.
ЦГА РК: ф. 1660, оп.1, д. 80,81,82,109,115,116,119,139,140,142,159,184a,187,189,210.


How to Cite

Л., А. (2019). Portrait of 28 heroes Panfilov’s men. Herald of Journalism, 52(2), 19–31. https://doi.org/10.26577/HJ.2019.v52.i2.03



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