Social media marketing as a modern business tool
social media, new media, the internet, SMM, marketing.Abstract
In contemporary era a social media has become ubiquitous and most importantly for social networking. It opens up a wide area for online marketing. Social media marketing has made it possible for companies to reach consumers easily, effectively and instantly. For instance, advertising of particular brand on famous social media account of celebrity can make it demanding and interesting to audience.
Besides that, there are also several challenges in the field. It is becoming increasingly difficult to attract the attention of the client or user in competitive environment, likewise, the Internet space is no exception. Here, quality content is not enough. To attract potential customers, you need to be the best. Social networks today are not only entertainment reality of the young generation but also a sphere of active interest by the modern business.
The article explores the role of social media marketing as a possible way for companies to reach targeted consumers easily, effectively and instantly, as well as it’s developing in Kazakhstan. The scientific significance of this article based on the observation and study of a particular case on Kazakhstan’s social media and its features. The main aim of the article is to define the process of working and challenges of SMM in Kazakhstan’s Instagram media and analyze the mechanisms of the influence, benefits and drawbacks of SMM development.
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