Functional significance and importance of the essay genre in TV journalism
essay writer, journalistic essays, radio essay, TV essay, blogger essay.Abstract
Goal: To determine the functional significance and importance of the essay genre in modern context. Objectives: To mark the features of the genre of essay in journalism which distinguishes it from a literary essay, to give a classification of the genre of essay in journalism and to make an analysis on specific examples from a scientific point of view. Expected result: On the basis of this scientific article, you can hold a master class on the topic: “The art of writing an essay”. The author in his article talks about the new functions of the essay genre in journalism, about the difference between different essays in fiction and journalism, also denotes the features and reveals the functional meanings of the term. In the process of studying the genre of essay the author relies on the work of Kazakh scientists as Z. Kabdolov, R. Syzdykova, K. Smayilov, А. Bobezhanova, as well as the opinions of foreign authors as O. Wilde, B. gates, Y. Zasursky, E. Prokhorov. The author argues that the genre of essay journalism is a very important tool to еxpress thoughts, concerns and opinion. The author emphasizes the importance of essays for students, journalists, undergraduates and doctoral students and also notes some difficulties in their writing.
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