The History of Graphic Art and the Stages of its Development


  • Бaтырхaновa Ж. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Aқылбековa Ж.
  • Сырлыбaев К.

        84 220


rock graphics, graphic perception, petroglyphs, graphic works, graphics.


This article analyzes the theoretical concepts of graphic art and its types, the history of early human unification, graphic art on the territory of Kazakhstan. Throughout the history of the survey, it is aimed at studying the appearance of graphics, studying and familiarizing with its various methods. Therefore, artistic graphics are closely related to calligraphy and writing. By the nineteenth century, the concepts of graphic and pattern were strictly differentiated. Graphics can be drawings of typographical origin, and drawing ‒ images of handwork: sketches, options and much more.
The article deals with the laws of development of applied graphics from ancient prehistoric times to the present day. You can see the meaning of drawings, sketches and drawings in a person’s life, the role they played in the development of humanity. The development of graphics from prehistoric times to the present is analyzed. Drawing is the basis of all types of graphics and visual arts, in general. Typically, a graphic image is performed on a sheet of paper, and to create it the artist can use rather simple means – a pencil or a ballpoint pen. In other cases, he uses complex tools for creating his works: a printing press, lithographic stones, lashes for linoleum or wood, and much more. Graphics has a long history. Artists from Western Europe, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Orest Kiprensky,
Karl Bryulekov, Vasily Perov, Ilya Repin, enrich the world of fine art with their graphic works. Graphic illustrations of the ancient (Paleolithic) era in Kazakhstan include Balkhash, Turkestan, Mangistau, and others. There are also rock paintings on the ground. Modern Kazakh graphic art was formed between 1930 and 50 years.


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How to Cite

Ж., Б., Ж. A., & К., С. (2019). The History of Graphic Art and the Stages of its Development. Herald of Journalism, 52(2), 118–127.