Mass culture in the public consciousness


  • Кутпaнбaевa Ж. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Мухaмедиевa Н.
  • Орaзбековa З.

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mass culture, communication, manipulation, management, propaganda, commercialization of public relations.


The article considers new means of influencing the public consciousness, all kinds of forms and styles of expressing socialization and management, which allow us to achieve a better result in influencing the public consciousness. It is largely determined by the cultural transformations associated with the formation of a new social model that Kazakhstan has experienced over the past decade.The main goal of this article is to identify the main methodological aspects of its research, summarizing the material accumulated by science and focusing on debatable or unresolved issues, to reveal the mechanisms of distribution and social functions of mass culture in modern society. In a society that has shifted to a new stage of historical development, the role and the range of functions performed by mass culture are significantly changing, which is largely due to the increase in the number of subjects of historical activity who are carriers of the values of this type of culture.The change in the economic and political project was reflected in research practice, where mass culture, analyzed critically before, began to be viewed as a historically inevitable education, organically connected with democratic structures, performing a number of important functions in post-industrial society. In the conditions of the existence of pluralism of ideologies, the need for a balanced analysis of mass culture as a specific sociocultural phenomenon becomes particularly urgent. Meanwhile, mass culture not only does not give up its place to an elite culture, but continues to exercise intense influence on it, acting in the modern age as the main form of the existence of culture. The author also touches upon aspects of the modern communication revolution and connects it with the media development process unprecedented in history and with their all-pervading influence on public life.


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How to Cite

Ж., К., Н., М., & З., О. (2019). Mass culture in the public consciousness. Herald of Journalism, 52(2), 141–148.