The transition of the information system to the information social network in Kazakhstan and the rational and cultural use of modern information technologies in the media


  • Сaурбaевa А. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Бaйгожинa Д.

        64 81


nformation society, audience, feedback, mass media, new media, social network, information technology.


The article analyzes the factors influencing the formation and development of the information system of Kazakhstan. We consider the changes taking place in the information space, the transformation of media audiences in the connection of digital and new information technologies. Characterized by Internet access in Kazakhstan, the dynamics of growth of Internet users, communication between the Internet and consumers. It was also discovered that technology is one of the interconnections between the Internet and the information space. The implementation of media activity based on new technologies has become a trend. At the same time, the social network has
its own means of promoting and disseminating information, along with the media. Regular users who provide information and create new media are more likely to be the first to use, even if they use the dictionary separately from the dictionary. It is worth mentioning the work of bloggers working in a social network. They can provide targeted information to news agencies. The article should note that high content and speed with media-specific information should be based on the principle of creating content in new media. That is, any social etworking site has the ability to send an event to a video server that is currently available from the scene. Thus, the activities of the media, which provides field data, can dramatically change the life of the state or society. Mobile mobility and fast data deployment will create a solid сoundation for new dynamic and fast media. With the help of hyperlinks, the user can get acquainted with the necessary information and improve their outlook. New types of media have dramatically increased indicators, such as audience reach (access to a large number of people) and information effectiveness (people began to receive information faster). The ways of effective use of information technologies in modern mass media have been studied. 


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How to Cite

А., С., & Д., Б. (2019). The transition of the information system to the information social network in Kazakhstan and the rational and cultural use of modern information technologies in the media. Herald of Journalism, 52(2), 182–194.