On the issue of the implementation of unesco core projects in the field of education and communication


  • Шынгысовa Н.Т. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University




education, communication, UNESCO, international profile projects, educational pro- grams.


The sphere of Edication and Communication in the modern dynamically developing world has a great importance. Demand for education, especially in field of communication, is increasing. Therefore, significant qualitative and quantitative changes are observed. This requires more profound knowledge from educational services, corresponding to modern world trends and realities. The areas of online edu- cation and exchange of experience with foreign experts are especially distinguished. Online education allows you to get any information instantly. Unfortunately, unverified tools and information can cause considerable material and moral damage.

Due to this reason, the main goal of this scientific paper is to research UNESCO core projects in spheres of education and communication in dynamics.

In this project, the dynamics of implementation of UNESCO core projects on the example of the UNESCO Chair, international journalism and media in the society of Al-Farabi Kazakh National Univer- sity, are researched, evaluated and analyzed. The period of the research is from September 1, 2016 to March 30, 2019.

The relevance of the study is the novelty of the information received on research in fields of educa- tion and communication, and the designation of the dynamics of the work.

The results of this study will make a significant contribution to the spheres of education and com- munications and can be used in the further implementation of UNESCO core projects in the fields of education and communication.


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Journalism: Society. Language. History. Policy. Law. Economy.