Regional newspaper in the time of political and social changes


  • Кaсымов А. К. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



“Didar” newspaper, independence, ethnic discord related materials, “banned” topics, information war.


The main objective of this paper is to identify typical for Kazakh newspaper patterns and interlinks, through studying the history of a regional newspaper in the period of establishment of the independent Republic of Kazakhstan. Publications have been analysed of the East Kazakhstan Regional newspaper “Didar” on the earlier banned topics i.e. ones published before the Republic of Kazakhstan obtained its independence. While analysing materials published in abundance in mass media within the first years of Independence on the earlier “banned” topics such as political and religious inequalities, forgotten national traditions, religion, mother tongue and art, unknown to people repressions of the Soviet period, orphaned then Soviet Union Army, land disputes etc.Author is applying methods of analysis, historical comparison, summarizing, and synthesis.

Key Findings. There are still many topics in the history of Kazakh journalism that have not been grasped and studied in scientific context. One of such lines is deeper scientific study of the history of regional mass media through searching, tracing, analysing, systematising and making conclusions on their latest materials broken down by periods and themes. The author reveals a lot of information and facts, events and lives closely connected to the history of Kazakh journalism, and introduces them into the science.

Value of the Survey. Based on the overview of published ethnic discord related materials, originated through democratic reforms and cancellation of censorship prior to proclamation of Independence, readers of the “Didar” regional newspaper are made aware that independence in the republic has not established itself as some people state including younger generation. Independence has been established through tough information war and conflicts on the pages of mass media. Newspaper publications have been analyzed in the period of social reforms and after the state’s obtaining its independence.


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Journalism: Society. Language. History. Policy. Law. Economy.