Increasing the creative potentialrole of the circle «Young journalist»


  • Берикболовa A.Ж. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Бекбосыновa Г.A.

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creative potential, directions of circles, genres of journalism, broadcasting.×


Training specialists who meet the market requirements and are able to develop high-quality media products in production is the main goal of every journalism University. To achieve this goal, it is neces- sary to combine theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge, depending on the specifics of the specialty journalism. In addition, it is necessary to improve the methodology of journalistic education that meets modern requirements, using innovative methods. From the compensation of these needs, the relevance of the topic arises. The purpose of the study is to summarize the overall results of the “Zhas journalist” circle, aimed at increasing the creative potential of future journalists, developing creative potential, and developing the creative potential of future journalists. The research area is intended for teaching methods of journalism. In this circle, publishing Newspapers, making TV and radio products, and blogging only have a positive impact on the quality of journalists ‘ training. Methodological basis of

  1. Amandosov’s research in the periodical genres, their types and features, M. Barmankulov in the nature of the television apparatus, N. Omashev in relation to the theory of newly emerged forms on radio.


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Journalism: Society. Language. History. Policy. Law. Economy.