Models of the new reality in postmodern society: simulacres in the mass media




simulacres, simulation, hyperreality, virtual reality, mass communication.


Postmodern society has become so dependent on symbols and signs that they have lost all contact with the real world. Now the real world model imitates the virtual world. In this procession, one of the main roles is played by a simulacrum, which replaces symbols to create an artificial concept of being of modern man. Here, the role of mass media is to interpret and transmit information or history in the required form for certain individuals. Therefore, modern man is part of a consumer society. That is, we no longer purchase goods by necessity, on the contrary, our desires and needs depend on advertising and media images of the media. These factors massively distance us from reality and the world around us.

Without mass media, it would be impossible to control a consumer society. The most frequent use of simulacra in the media is observed when covering political events. Various kinds of media mimic political transparency and engage in manipulation. Therefore, a study of the modern work of the media is necessary due to the fact that annually in the field of mass communications new opportunities and tools for influencing the audience appear. In this case, one of these tools is a simulacrum. The purpose of the scientific article is to study the use of simulations in international journalism. To analyze the final result of the impact of journalistic materials on the audience. The scientific significance of the work is presented in the form of evidence of the superiority of simulacra in modern journalism. The research methodology is a theoretical analysis of existing materials based on scientific literature. The result of a scientific article will serve as a study of the phenomenon of simulacra on the example of a political event, called the "Arab Spring" in 2011. The practical significance of the work is to draw attention to the phenomenon of simulacra and the study of simulation processes.


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