3D tehnology and innovation of society


  • Абдраев М.К. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        44 24


computer video editing, offscreen text, innovation devel- opment at technology, editor, programmer, special effects.


The article examine the importance of creating special effects and com- puter video editing. Also as the creation of the video – the releationship between partners. To make TV programs are creative work. Theoretically hand-writing the script, prepare texts, decorate the melody – is concept of the products. The Advantage of the fact that today the industrial-innova- tive development has proved to be a new way of world competition act and science. TV project activity of Euro Median culture, creative ability, free technology tendency progressively expand science and knowledge gave conceptiative solutions. Including methods of TV design talks about the importance of convergent journalist.


1 Интернет көзі: http:www.idea-media.ru; http//ru.wikipedia org/wiki/инновация
2 Қазіргі кездегі журналистік білім беру: инновациялар, жаңа технологиялар. – Алматы. «Асыл кітап» баспасы, 2012, 168 б.
3 Интеллектуальная нация в фокусе гуманитарных технологий: монография/ Г.С.Сұлтанбаева, С.Н.Велитченко, О.П.Ложникова; –Алматы: Қазақ университеті 2014, 160 стр.


1 Internet kozi: http:www.idea-media.ru, http//ru.wikipedia org/wiki/innovathiya
2 Kazirgi kezdegi zhurnalistik bilim beru: innovathiyalar, zhana tehnologiyalar.– Almaty. «Asyl kitap» baspasy, 2012. – 168 b.
3 Intelectual’naya nathiya v focuse gumanitarnyh tehnology: monografiya / G.S.Sultanbaeva, S.N.Velitchenko, O.P. Lozh- nikova; – Almaty: Kazakh Universiteti 2014, 160 str.


How to Cite

М.К., А. (2020). 3D tehnology and innovation of society. Herald of Journalism, 37(1), 176–180. Retrieved from https://bulletin-journalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-journal/article/view/1210