Political culture of society
political culture, behavior, valuables and subculture.Abstract
In this article a political culture and her influence are examined on be- havior of people and on activity of different organizations, on their percep- tion of the phenomena of domestic and international policy, estimation of the political leaders, and determination by the man’s place in the political life of the society.
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5 VI Lenin Full. cit. cit., – vol. 26 – S. 68.
6 Koval B.C. «Barbarossa»: the origins and history of the greatest crime imperialism. – Kiev, 1982. – P.139.
2 Almond G, Verba S. The Civil Culture. Political Aititubes and Democracy in Five Nations. – Boston, 1965. – P. 13.
3 Carr R. Bernstein M. American Democracy. Sih ed Hinsdale, – 1977, – p 29.
4 Burlatskii FM, AA Galkin, modern Leviathan. Essays on the political sociology of capitalism. – M., 1985 – 199 p.
5 VI Lenin Full. cit. cit., – vol. 26 – S. 68.
6 Koval B.C. «Barbarossa»: the origins and history of the greatest crime imperialism. – Kiev, 1982. – P.139.
How to Cite
М.М., М. (2020). Political culture of society. Herald of Journalism, 37(1), 186–191. Retrieved from https://bulletin-journalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-journal/article/view/1212
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