Features of the spoken language of publicism style


  • Торебекова Р.С. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        98 50


the televisional spoken language, spoken and writing lan- guage, text and metatext, types of text, function of metatext.


The features of the spoken language of televisional publicism are ex- amined in the article. On the program of discipline «Professionally-orient- ed Russian» students study styles. For every speciality priority is style nec- essary for future work. For example, the students of faculty of international relations and students-lawyers study officially-business style, students of faculty of philology, is artistic style, and students-journalists is publicism style. For each of styles the language features are characteristic. Television- al speech gives wide possibilities for the study of Russian. Organization   of text of the televisional spoken language, his specific features and basic functions, is analysed in the article.


1 Панов М.В. Из наблюдений над стилем современной периодики. – М., 1998.
2 Романова Н.Н. Стилистика и текст. – М., 2006.
3 Солганик Г.Я. Стилистика текста. – М., 2005.


1 Panov M.V. Iz nabluydeniy nad stilem sovremennoy periodiki. – M., 1998.
2 Romanova N.N. Stilistika I tekst. – M., 2006.
3 Solganic G.Iy. Stilistika teksta. – M., 2005.


How to Cite

Р.С., Т. (2020). Features of the spoken language of publicism style. Herald of Journalism, 37(1), 288–292. Retrieved from https://bulletin-journalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-journal/article/view/1229