Жаһандану концепциясындағы ғылыми тұжырымдамалар
Scientific concepts to the concept of globalizationAbstract
This article discusses the global phenomenon as globalization, as well as the causes and consequences of this process. Analyzes of the defini- tion of scientists and researchers in the context of globalization and the reasons of the emergence of this process are also considered. It enables developing countries, such as ours, not to beswollen by other countries, in contrast, find its own way in the era of globalization. In other words, the concept of globalization will lead to the identification of the features of understanding of this process. Analyzing the issue of globalization can put forward a number of important theoretical and methodological issues and their solutions. There are also shades and advantages of globalization. We shouldn’t ignore or be afraid of it, we should take the achievements and by appropriate measures improve and strengthen our country respectively.
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