Ways of modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan


  • Досыбаева Г.К. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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national model of the higher education; quality of the edu­ cational system; modernization of the higher education, advanced prac­ tice, traditions of the western universities, local pedagogical practice.


The comprehensive analysis of all mentioned scientific works prove that in the world community (the USA, Finland, Great Britain, Germany, Russia, etc.) the modernization of the higher education systems is in full swing. The special attention in these countries is paid to the quality of training highly qualified and professional university graduates. It can be attained by providing the best financial, technical, psychological and pedagogical conditions, by comprehensive development of infrastructure, selection of educational conceptions, pedagogical methods and technolo­ gies, textbooks and a proper choice of highly professional staff.


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How to Cite

Г.К., Д. (2020). Ways of modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan. Herald of Journalism, 37(2), 460–463. Retrieved from https://bulletin-journalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-journal/article/view/1258