Cross�cultural communication is means of language communication of representatives of different cultures


  • Жұмағұлова А.Ж. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Мамаева М.Қ.
        43 247


anthropocentric paradigm, cross­cultural communication an interlanguage, language units, pragmatic value.


An author tells about the problems of cross­cultural communication that is examined within the framework of anthropocentric paradigm in the article. Author of explains about the sources of term “cross­cultural communication”, about the studied questions and objects of this theory of linguistics alluding to some scientific sources. In the article underlined an author separate types of cross­cultural communication, also an author pays attention to what is going on interlanguage and cross­cultural mov­ ing that become basis of cross­cultural communication and revive the pragmatic values of lexical units. In any language exist emotionally bright, stylistic the special lexical units. These units can be pragmatic most mark brightly reflect a national calorite and signs. An author marks that such phenomena are brightly reflected in style of the spoken language.


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How to Cite

А.Ж., Ж., & М.Қ., М. (2020). Cross�cultural communication is means of language communication of representatives of different cultures. Herald of Journalism, 37(2), 482–486. Retrieved from