Some problems of terms of language knowledge


  • Сарбалина А.Б. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        43 34


Kazakh language, grammatical terms,terminology.


Currently terminology need to develop new plant. In the terminol­ ogy is relevant to use the national language, new methodologies Fund Turkic­speaking linguistic terms. In the history of the Kazakh terminology, it is known that the language was formed by the introduction of a sphere through the Latin, Greek, after all the Russian language. Dynamics of lan­ guage evolves with society, and changed in society. Socio­political situa­ tion of the last time strongly helps scientific terminology.


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How to Cite

А.Б., С. (2020). Some problems of terms of language knowledge. Herald of Journalism, 37(2), 544–547. Retrieved from