Cognitive potential of framing in setting agenda (based on the example of the online social network service «Facebook» in Kazakhstan)


  • Ибраева Г.Ж. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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framing, agenda, Facebook, social networking, conflict events.


The article considers peculiarities of coverage of conflicting materials on the pages of the social network service Facebook for the period from 2014 to 2015. The methodological basis of the research was the theory   of framing and agenda setting; empirical base consists of three practical examples of events that resulted in hundreds of responses in the social network of Kazakhstan and foreign media environment.

The distribution of texts related to conflicting events in Kazakhstan was analyzed; a thematic analysis of statements and comments on the so- cial network on the scale from positive to negative was conducted; the po- sition of publications in the Kazakh and Russian languages, as well as from the foreign sources of information were compared. It is concluded that the method of framing can reveal the agenda of social networks in Kazakhstan on the example of Facebook, reveals how people really understand the sit- uation, the similarities and differences in approaches of Kazakh-language and Russian-language media on the formation of the agenda.


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How to Cite

Г.Ж., И. (2020). Cognitive potential of framing in setting agenda (based on the example of the online social network service «Facebook» in Kazakhstan). Herald of Journalism, 38(2), 4–9. Retrieved from



Journalism: Society. Language. History. Policy. Law. Economy.