Specificity of training the convergent journalists


  • Барлыбаева С.Х. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Тлепбергенова А.А.
  • Мысаева К.Н.
        39 83


convergence, mass communication, multimedia sphere, information infrastructure, new media.


At present time is the influence broadcasting and telecommunication technologies. This cooperation are chanching communication sphere. The same integration came to the expansion the information industry, between sectors of tradition mass media and creation new media sistems. There   is the tendency – convergence, confluence communication technologies, markets, mass communications.


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How to Cite

С.Х., Б., А.А., Т., & К.Н., М. (2020). Specificity of training the convergent journalists. Herald of Journalism, 38(2), 14–19. Retrieved from https://bulletin-journalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-journal/article/view/1277



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