Kazakh language – the future of Kazakhstan
national language, the scope of the need, interest, lan- guage status.Abstract
The article deals with the Kazakh language, not only as a means of communication, but also as a tool that enhances the status of scientific consciousness of society. And in this article from the perspective of the author argues the state of the Kazakh language in the current period of low and its use as a national language. Without the need and demand for the language, and it is not possible widespread use. Not analyzed the profit- ability of the reduction of hours of the Kazakh language in institutes of higher education. If the problems do not find its solution at the time, nei- ther the fact that as our President said in his address to the nation «by 2025, the Kazakh language has to reach the level of consumption in all areas and the probability of its use in everyday conversation» will be very low.
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№1 (25). – 33-48 bb