periodicals newspaper­headlines complex


  • Борисова Н.М. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        52 30


headline complex, category, title, subtitle, pretitle, syn- tactic structure of the header, one-compound newspaper headline, two- compound newspaper headline, the newspaper strip, headline function.


The title is an integral part of the newspaper article. First, what is fac- ing the reader of a newspaperis titles of the articles. Introducing the text, the title carries some information on the content of the publicist work. In the Yakut Media more newspapers represent three fold headline complex: category, title, subtitle. Abundantly is used double header complex: title, subtitle or pretitle, often are used headlines with common nominative sen- tences consisting of major and minor sentences. In addition, the headings may contain the default, which gives a complete thought. And any reader will be interested to know what lies under this heading.


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1 Bessonov A.P. Newspaper зоголовок. – Leningrad, 1958.
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4 Terenteva L.V. A heading complex as special elementof registration of newspaper // is the Semantic system oflanguage units. Самара,1996.
5 WilchukT.W. Attraction nature of heading and headingcomplexes of publicism дискурса // of Вісник Харківського на- ціонального університету імені В.Н. Каразіна Серія Філологія. № 936, вип. 61. Харків, 2011. С. 89-94. URL: http://www. philology.


How to Cite

Н.М., Б. (2020). periodicals newspaper­headlines complex. Herald of Journalism, 38(2), 124–128. Retrieved from