A few words about the newspaper «Sary­arқa»


  • Мамырова К.С. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Губашева Д.Т.
        428 58


newspaper «Sary-arқa», Alash Orda, national culture.


The article refers to the identity, publish, newspaper «Sary-Arka». We stopped not only of the authors, published in the newspapers of its pub- lications, but also on topics that are covered. Exit to the city of Semey in 1917-18 newspaper «Sary-Arka» was the organ of the party «Alash». Edition risen sharply socio-political issues. Produced by this newspaper were Gab- bassov H. and R. Marsack. The newspaper mainly printed materials related to the movement «Alash Orda» and the leaders of the party «Alash». Here they expressed their views on the issues concerning the fate of the Kazakh people. From the pages of the newspapers were published in literary and critical articles and research works of A. Bukeyhanova. Through the ideas of liberation, awakening national consciousness, through the promotion of national culture shaped the development of the newspaper. Each new product she raised the younger generation in the struggle for freedom, awakening consciousness, forming a smart, talented, I think young people.


1 Қазақ Энциклопедиясы,7 том
2 Алаш көсемсөзі 10 томдығының 9-10 кітабы
3 Мәмбет Қойгелдиев, «Алаш қозғалысының ұлт тағдырындағы орны жөнінде», «Алаш қозғалысы идеясының Еура- зия кеңістігіндегі ықпалы: тарих және қазіргі кезең» халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары, Се- мей, 2008 жыл, 26 б.
4 Аллаберген Қ., Нұсқабайұлы Ж., Оразаев Ф. Қазақ журналистикасының тарихы (1870-2008).толық. 2-ші бас. – Ал- маты: Білім, 2010. – 308 б.

1 Kazakh encyclopaedia, 7th volume
2 Publicism of people 10 volumes 9-10 books
3 Mambet Khoigeldyev, people motion nation fate ғy localization direction, people motion idea Eurasia space gі influence: history and nowaday pore international scientific practical conference material, Semey, 2008 year, 26-conscience
4 Aldabergen K., Nyskhabaiyly J., Orazayev F. history (1870-2008) journalism of Khazah – 2th head fully. it is Almaty: Bi- lym, 2010, 308th consciences


How to Cite

К.С., М., & Д.Т., Г. (2020). A few words about the newspaper «Sary­arқa». Herald of Journalism, 38(2), 140–143. Retrieved from https://bulletin-journalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-journal/article/view/1298