Reporting of economic subject in the kazakhstan press


  • Білдебекова Ә.Т. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        67 30


Press, economy, business journalism, business journalism, article.


This article deals with the attention to features and giving methods   of economic subjects in Kazakhstan’s periodicals. At the moment in the press the economic subject became separate on business journalism and economic journalism. Moreover, there were editions which are completely devoted to economy. Together with it, they have impact to policy and authority. The economic subject works for the benefit of all structures of society.

In the economic press of Kazakhstan some ill-defined articles are writ- ten not with journalists, but economists. And many thematic editions don’t correspond to the status. And if correspond, can’t give rather objective view. In most cases it is simple reporting of information.


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How to Cite

Ә.Т., Б. (2020). Reporting of economic subject in the kazakhstan press. Herald of Journalism, 38(2), 190–194. Retrieved from