How Information Vacuum Can Convince Society of Reaching the Communism Soon: the Information Broadcasting of Kazakhstan in the 60s


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information, history of Kazakh television, propaganda, ideology.


Journalism of the period of the 60s is an interesting experience in the application of methods and methods of mastering the minds of people with the help of images and a total information attack, a lim- ited and narrowed “information agenda” formed by the ruling party. The Soviet people practically had no other sources of information. The purpose of the article is to show how a dense ideological curtain, hiding what is happening in the world, created for the Soviet person his own ideals and images, which he followed. In such an information vacuum, any ideas, up to the advent of communism in the near future, seemed real. For Kazakhstani television, the experience of the 60s was of great importance in mastering professional skills, understanding the significance and importance of television broadcasting 

for promoting the values of culture, language and traditions of Kazakhstani society. The leading headings    of news releases of Kazakh television are analyzed, their stereotyped standard, idolatry to party leaders    are revealed. The imposed images of Stakhanovites, tractor drivers, combine operators, led to mass ac-  tions like “A class in shepherds”, “Girls  on a tractor”. Television  gives examples of heroism in the shops        of the workers-smelters of the Ust-Kamenogorsk plant, the miners of Karaganda, the famous virgin lands. These were real feats of ordinary people, admirable today, but what was their price?

To analyze the broadcasting news network, the method of comparing materials was applied, with an emphasis on the form and genres of news stories. For the evidence base, the microphone materials of the Kazakh television of the State Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan were used.

Television broadcasting in Kazakhstan has overcome many difficulties. Lack of professional staff, including Kazakh-speaking journalists, poor-quality equipment for television production, weak filming equipment. In the content structure, the Kazakh broadcasting of news issues with difficulties overcame the secondary effect, since the news was broadcast in a translated version, the stories were of a declara- tive nature, calling for active participation in the building of communism. People were optimistic about the propaganda, and the successes of the Soviet Union in the field of cosmonautics evoked belief in the reality of the goals set. The practical significance of the study is that on specific examples of broadcasting of the news editorial office of Kazakh television it is proved that the conditions of a totalitarian society had few prospects for the creation of professional visual and text content, the development of national broadcasting.


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How to Cite

G.Zh., I. (2020). How Information Vacuum Can Convince Society of Reaching the Communism Soon: the Information Broadcasting of Kazakhstan in the 60s. Herald of Journalism, 57(3), 44–54.