Visualization of media content as a way to gain reader loyalty for media sustainability
Visualization is one of the trends in modern journalism. More and more media are beginning to pay equal attention to both text and visual content. This is due not only to the growing trend, but also to the demands of the audience. Therefore, the peculiarities of the perception of visual content is a topical issue that will be disclosed in this article.
The main goal of the study is to determine the characteristics of the audience's perception of visual media material, in particular, the press, and ways of manipulative influence by the media on the audience through the visualization of content.
In order to achieve the goal in the course of the study, the tasks will be solved to identify the characteristic types of perception of visual content by the audience, the key factors affecting the choice of visual content by the audience, and the comparison of theoretical knowledge with the results of practical research.
The theoretical basis of the article is the results of scientific research in the field of visual communication. Practical research was carried out using a sociological survey, which revealed the directions of the audience's interests. The theoretical significance of the study is to determine the characteristics of the perception of visual content. The practical significance lies in the further application of the results obtained in the educational process of higher educational institutions with a degree in "Journalism" by practicing journalists of periodicals and Internet editions.
The results of the study showed that today the visual part is one of the integral components of journalistic material. Especially for print publications, their electronic versions and independent Internet editions, in which it is important to tell about an event or problem not only through the text. The visualization process is significant both for the audience and for the journalists themselves, since the visual part makes it easier to understand the content. The image attracts a new media audience thanks to the creative approaches that designers or journalists use when presenting material.
Keywords: mass media, visualization, image, periodicals, Internet, psychological influence, manipulative influence.
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Sri Syamsiyah Lestari Sjafiie, Sri Hastjarjo, Widodo Muktiyo, Pawito (2018) Graphic Visualization in Printed Media: How Does the Use of Technology Influence Journalism Culture. Malaysian journal of communication, 34(4),373-385.
Stephanie Coffaney (2011) Photo Manipulation in the Media
Thomas E. Powell,Hajo G. Boomgaarden,Knut De Swert,Claes H. de Vreese (2015) Journal of communication, 6(65), 997-1017.
Webber, N. R., Shawcross, M., Edwards, D., Reinsvold, R., & Zhen, J. (2020, March). Data (mis) visualization and its impact on academic advancement and public understanding [Panel]. Society for the Academic Study of Social Imagery, Greeley, CO, United States.
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