Semantical analysis on the material of mass media in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan mass media space and respectively the market of periodicals in recent years started its developing in absolutely different directions. The main thing consists in intensive development of pro- cesses of mobilization and coordination in mass media funds in Kazakhstan modern media market. The process of research was carried out to this period within the political discourse analysis. This method allows to restructure the initial semantic categories applied at submission of information from a commu- nicator to the public. In course of research the attention was paid on the main political and social ideas which are found in the materials under analysis, and political activity was transformed according to the used semantic categories. Application of the content analysis in political researches differs in working- out of the standard method allowing to explain equally one text with several persons and also to prove the hypothesis of the text adoption on the basis of the document, and the subjectivity of researcher de- creases because of that. Sufficient experience of the traditional analysis of the contents is now gathered. Its essence consists in isolation of some main concepts (or semantic categories), calculation of frequency of the categories use in the text of the document, the relations of various elements of the text with each other, and the total amount of information.
Key words: Kazakhstani mass media, semantic analysis, content-analysis, socio-political contents,
category of registration, indicators from the text, correlative pairs, factor loadings.
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