«Turkі bіrlіgі» as continuity of scientific and theoretical of the research of the idea «Mangіlіk El»


  • G. T. Maikotova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • K. Mukataeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • G. Abdreim Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
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«Mangіlіk El» is the national idea of the people of Kazakhstan. About the Eternal – the beautiful dreams of our ancestors from ancient times. It is clear that this idea of «Mangilik El» leads us to the future and rallied our nation with the goal of achieving the ultimate goal.The past of our history is confirmed by the fact that our great ancestor Tonykok was the sage of the «Turkic people», he was an adviser to the three kagans, the ancestor of our ancestors.For 5 years he studied in China among the children of the nobles, was a prosecutor, then a lawyer in various provinces of China. Further, with the support of Elteris Kutlyk Kagan, he creates the second Turkic Khaganate.Thus, the Kutlyk kagan was the second Turkic kagan. After the death of the Kagan, Tonykok initiated the idea of «Mangilik El». The article tells about the life of nomads in the Kazakh steppe, the trends in the development of science and the assertion of cultural values in the scale of the state, the idea of «Unity of the Turkic nomadic civilization built on the concept of succession» Mangilik El «affects a wide range of information.

Key words: the idea of “Turkі bіrlіgі», the concept «Мәңгілікел» («Eternal Country»); Turkic khanate,

blue sky, Blue, Kutlyk Kagan, Tonykok, Kapagan chronicle, China, strategy «Kazakhstan – 2050», «Leg- end of Blessed Knowledge», philosophy, Kazakh Khanate, Alash idea, independence.


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How to Cite

Maikotova, G. T., Mukataeva, K., & Abdreim, G. (2022). «Turkі bіrlіgі» as continuity of scientific and theoretical of the research of the idea «Mangіlіk El». Herald of Journalism, 46(4), 81–84. Retrieved from https://bulletin-journalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-journal/article/view/1549