Publishing activities United States of america


  • K. Muhataeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        44 158


This article examines the history of publishing activities of one of the leading countries in this in- dustry – the United States. Here we speak about the first American types of press, about the printing house, about the history of the first publishers. Information is given about the scientific and public figure, the distinguished publisher and printer – B. Franklin, as well as the first American printing houses – Ste- phen and Matthew Dave. The formation of the first professional organizations devoted to improving the publications of the 19th century and stabilizing prices, such as the Boston Booksellers Association, the Philadelphia Book Trade Company, and the Bookselling Company of America, is analyzed. Also in the article it is noted that in America the publishing houses of universities occupy a special place, and many of these publishing houses are united in the organization – “University publishers”. Information is given on the systematization of American publishing houses by type of ownership and on various methods of book distribution.


1 Гудовщиковa И.В. Библиогрaфия в Соединенных Штaтaх Америки. ‒ М., 1961.
2 Колчaновa И.В. Издaние библиогрaфических мaтериaлов. ‒ М., 1968.
3 Бюллетень ЮНЕСКО для библиотек. 1971, №6
4 Amerikan Book Trade Directory 1969-1970. New-Vork, R. Bower, 1970.
5 Cухaруков К.М. Профессонaльные объеденения в книжном деле США. ‒ Информпечaть1991. Выпуск 10.
6 Нaучные и кульурные учреждения США. ‒ М., 1991. ‒ 120 с.
7 Вaськин А.А. Книготорговый бизнес в России и зa рубежом. ‒ М.: Спутник+, 2001. ‒ 130 с.
8 Энциклопедиякнижного делa /Сост. Ю.Ф. Мaйсурaдзе, А.Э. Мильчин и дa. ‒ М: Юристь, 1998. ‒ 536 с.
9 Книги, кaторые должны знaть современный человек. ‒ М.: РИПОЛ клaссик, 2003. ‒ 366 с.


1 Godovikov I.V. Bibliography in the United States of America. ‒ M., 1961.
2 Kolchanova I.V. the Edition of bibliographic material. ‒ M., 1968.
3 UNESCO Bulletin for libraries. 1971, No. 6
4 Amerikan Book Trade Directory 1969-1970. New-Vork, R. Bower, 1970.
5 Sukhorukov K.M. Professional merging in the book business of the United States. ‒ Информпечaть1991. Issue 10.
6 Scientific and kulturnye companies of the United States. ‒ M., 1991. ‒ 120 C.
7 VAS’kin A.A. Bookselling business in Russia and abroad. ‒ Moscow: Sputnik+, 2001. ‒ 130 C.
8 Entsiklopedicheskogo business /Comp.Yu.F.Maisuradze, A.E. Milchin and Yes. M: Jurist, 1998. ‒ 536 S.
9 Books, witch should know. – M.: RIPOL Klassik, 2003. ‒ 366 S.


How to Cite

Muhataeva, K. (2022). Publishing activities United States of america. Herald of Journalism, 46(4), 128–133. Retrieved from