Ideas Of Eurasia In The Historical And Media Context Of Traditional Media




The article is devoted to the media vector of development of the Eurasian integration, the informa- tion space of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), since one of the tasks of the EEU is to provide the CIS countries with complete information about the goals and objectives of the Eurasian project, since for a generation that grew up in conditions of independence, this idea should be clarified. Given the fact that the foundation of the EEU was laid in the 20th century, there is currently no comprehensive picture of the development of the integration process in the informational aspect in the post-Soviet space and, in particular, in Kazakhstan. In this article, the authors will try to fill this gap.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the current stage of development of Eurasian integration in the media context. The research methods are: historical, complex analysis, theory and concept of the development of integration in the Eurasian space.

The scientific significance of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the development of the concept of “Eurasia”, Eurasian integration in historical and modern aspects is covered through the prism of the media context, the development of the information space in Kazakhstan, on the example of mass communication materials and research centers of Eurasia in the CIS countries. The creation and develop- ment of Eurasian centers, projects, media sites, portals, mass media, conferences, round tables, active cooperation, mutual exchange of experience, knowledge, ideas – all this contributes to strengthening integration in Eurasia. The results and conclusions of the article will be of practical importance in the further study of the Eurasian processes, better coverage of integration issues in the region.

Key words: media, Eurasian integration, Eurasian centers, Eurasian Economic Union.


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