The influence of hybrid information technologies on the information field of Kazakhstan


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hybrid information technologies, information field of Kazakhstan, personal data, news, hacker attacks.


Information technology development has an impact on various spheres of people’life in Kazakhstan. The dissemination of information has become faster, and the flow of information is increasing every day. Both truthful and fake news appear in the information field of Kazakhstan, and hacker attacks are carried out on data servers. The decline of domestic media and journalism in general is a serious signal for political authorities about the inability to adequately respond to an information attack, which often triggers a poorly controlled process, at the forefront of which are Internet users. The Kazakhstan Internet is now completely unprotected from influences emanating from the information spaces of other countries.

The presence of problems in the use of information technologies leads to the need of using hybrid technologies, which combine different approaches to influencing people`s perception of the world, which determines the relevance of the chosen topic. The purpose of the study is to determine the level of influence of hybrid information technologies on the information field of Kazakhstan. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to study the essence of the concept of hybrid information technologies and consider the changes that they cause in the information field of Kazakhstan. The scientific significance of the work lies in an in-depth examination of the theoretical foundations on the chosen topic. The practical significance of the study consists in assessing the level of informatization in Kazakhstan in comparison with the average indicators in the CIS countries and in the world, while determining the prospects for the further implementation of hybrid information technologies in the information field of Kazakhstan in future.

As a research methodology, the comparative analysis of the levels of competitiveness of Kazakhstan in the implementation of information technologies is used (in comparison with the average indicators in the CIS countries and in the world), which allows us to determine the ease of implementing the level of informatization of society. Based on the results, it is determined that the level of informatization in Kazakhstan is average among the CIS countries, but occupies a lower position among other countries of the world. The value of the study is in assessment the level of informatization in Kazakhstan. Thus, it is necessary to increase the level of information data security in Kazakhstan, which determines promising directions for studying the continuation of research on the chosen topic.


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Remo L. How cloud computing and technology help improve communication. URL:

Terrell K. H. What is hybrid IT? URL:

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Wulff F., Lindner T., Westner M., Straringer S. IaaS, PaaS or SaaS? Why clouds choosing a computing delivery model – brief descriptions of the impact of cloud computing. URL:


