Developing culture aspects in Kazakh-language and Russian language contents in Kazakhstan
new media, Kazakh-language content, Russian-language content, content-analysis, culture aspect, audience of web-site, demand of audience,Abstract
The article is devoted to developing culture aspects in Kazakh-language and Russian-language contents. First chapter assesses popular Kazakh-language social and political web-portal Second chapter discusses popular Kazakh-language web-site among young people In both chapter are given analysis to prefer audition of two contents. Then we did content-analysis with statistic data from last month. Third chapter talk about directions of Russian languages web-site Fourth chapter covers themes of articles from In the during research of two contents take into consideration popular materials and attendance at web-sites. In conclusion I would say that materials of Kazakh-languages web-sites differs that Russian-language web-site in Kazakhstan. In addition I want to say that improving Kazakh-language web-sites depend young people.References
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How to Cite
Islyambekova, A. K. (2016). Developing culture aspects in Kazakh-language and Russian language contents in Kazakhstan. Herald of Journalism, 36(2). Retrieved from