Scientific approaches to journalism H. Dosmukhamedov
Journalism, intellectual skills.Abstract
Contribution made by one of the «Alash’ leaders, Khalel Dosmukha meduly, to develop and prosper the Kazakh publicism is presented in the article. Throughout his life Khalel Dosmukhameduly wrote lots of publi cist, scientific and educational articles in the 19051927 and made his tory chronicles of his time. He wrote on different significant topics, such as political situation, external affairs of Kazakhstan within the periods of tsarist government and soviet government and also education, medicine development, health of people, art, literature, history, language and etc. Investigation one definite problem and then write on that topic, paying regard for core issues of his time, searching for resolutions of problems, explanation to the people in lay terms and telling them of achievements as well as setbacks are peculiarities that define his publicity. Diligence and community spirit, which are explicitly demonstrated in any work of Khalel Dosmukhameduly, are the main features of his publicistic writings.
1 Досмұхамедұлы Х. Аламан. Құрастырушылар, алғы сөзін және түсініктемелерін жазғандар: Ғ.Әнесов, А.Мектепов, Ш.Керімов. – Алматы: Ана тілі, 1991. – 176-б.
2 Қазақ әдебиеті. Энциклопедиялық анықтамалық. – Алматы: Аруна, 2005.
3 Досмұхамедов Х. Таңдамалы. – Алматы: Мектеп. 1998.