Conflict between Russia and Ukraine in 2014: Kazakhstani mass-media view-point


  • Ye. Kapkyzy Candidate of Philology science, Senior Lecturer, Suleyman Demirel University, Kazahstan, Kaskelen,
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This study is intended to analyze a discourse of the Kazakh and Russian language media outlets of Kazakhstan on the clashes between Ukraine and Russia occured in 2014. The content of two Kazakh-language (pro-oppsitional newspaper Zhas Alash and a government-inclining independent website, and two Russian-language media outlets (Vremya newspaper and a website) were analyzed. Both of the selected newspapers (Zhas Alash and Vremya) are private media outlets. The Kazakh-language website is highlighted with spreading fairly free content in comparison to other media. However, recent years this website is extensively receiving government sponsorship and publishing paid materials promoting the government’s actions. The Russian-language website is also considered to be a private and an independent media outlet. The main purpose of this research is to evaluate the function of Russian and Kazakh-language mass media and the dissemination of information on Russian and Kazakh-language websites.
62 Хабаршы. Журналистика сериясы. №2 (48). 2018
Укрaинa қaқтығысы:
қaзaқстaндық БАҚ көзімен
The political showdown between Russia and Ukraine erupted in February 2014. In the period from
February to December 2014, Zhas Alash published 24 articles, while Vremya devoted 27 articles to
this topic. Therefore, the level of interest to this issue by two newspapers was almost the same. In contrast, has 61 publications, and has only 37 papers in the same period of time.
This indicates that, in comparison to, the popular Kazakh-language website was particularly interested
in this topic. In addition, the analysis of the lexicons used in articles, their attitude to the conflict
(assessment of event), and the personal opinions of journalists gave interesting findings.
Key words: Ukraine, Russia, ZhasAlash, Vremya, Abai, Vlast, conflict, Kazakhstani mass-media.

Author Biography

Ye. Kapkyzy, Candidate of Philology science, Senior Lecturer, Suleyman Demirel University, Kazahstan, Kaskelen,

Candidate of Philology science, Senior Lecturer,


How to Cite

Kapkyzy, Y. (2018). Conflict between Russia and Ukraine in 2014: Kazakhstani mass-media view-point. Herald of Journalism, 48(2), 61–69. Retrieved from