Family values of characters of stories of Dulat Isabekov.


  • A. T. Nurpeyіsova Алматы университеті, Қазақстан Республикасы, Алматы қ.
        273 358


artist, essence of character, family, values, small genre, artistic image, life, moral, solution, author’s position,


Dulat Isabekov’s stories narrate the lives of simple people, about eternal values of a family as a small cell of society, and about the warm relationship between generations. But at the same time, they depict the negative sides of reality. In the writer’s stories, the outlook of characters, their moral guidelines, and assessment of human values is explored. With it passes the central life of the young man and unfamiliar elderly mother (both Aklima’s character); the relationship of father and son; sincerity; and the natural character, which attracts the attention of the reader. The prose writer Dulat Isabekov is attentive that the creations issued from his pen note the psychological depth, skill, and identity in a sketch of literary images.


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2 Сейдімбек А. Ойтолғақ. Жазушы Д.Исабековтың шығармашылығы туралы //Жас қазақ. – 1993. – № 44.
3 Таңжарықова А. Д.Исабеков прозасының көркемдік əлемі. Филол.ғыл. канд. дисс. – Алматы, 2008. – 129 б.
4 Исабеков Д. Шығармалар жинағы, 3-том. – Алматы, 2003. – 399 б.
5 Қожахметова М. Халық кеңесі// Ақиқат, 1992. №3. – 23 б.


