The Coverage of Problems of Ecology in Media of the USA and Kazakhstan
This article touches upon environmental problems in America and Kazakhstan, the coverage of environmental
problems in the media, and the formation of an environmental law system in the United States
of America. Negligent attitude to the environment is the main reason for the emergence of environmental
problems in the world. Very little work is done to improve the activities of environmental monitoring and
controlling institutions and lack of transparency in the coverage of research results is observed. Having
become acquainted with the current environmental problems, we are increasingly convinced that we
cannot postpone the decision of this issue, because in the future it may be too late. In this context, the
main problem is the formation of an ecological culture of a person. Environmental education, education,
the media play an important role in the formation of ecological culture. The necessity of not only
theoretical, but also practical education in education is determined. To protect the environment and the
ecology systematically through the media will be of public importance. Currently, the state policy on the
environment and solving its problems is being carried out, the prerequisites for propagating the scientifically
grounded concept of ecological culture among the youth are analyzed. Ecological culture is a set of
106 Хабаршы. Журналистика сериясы. №1 (47). 2018
Америка және қазақстандық
экология мәселесінің
social regulators of human influence on nature, a system of ecological education and upbringing. Only
this way it will be possible to maintain a balance between society and the environment. The importance
of identifying environmental problems in the media is considered. Also, the work of individual journalists
in the field of environmental problems in American and Kazakh publications are analyzed and the
importance of developing environmental journalism is considered.
Key words: ecological journalism, ecological culture, ecological knowledge, ecological communication.