The new social-cultural order and new media in Kazakhstan


  • Бaрлыбaевa С. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Мысaевa К.

        83 73

Кілттік сөздер:

communication technologies, social-cultural order, information process, new media, Kazakhstan.


The development of mass communication is carried out in the era of the global digital revolution. The rapid development of information technologies, new media: the blogosphere, social networks, the transition to digital broadcasting in the 21st century, has made it necessary to understand the cultural and information processes in Kazakhstan. If the technical problems of communication have international similarity, then the issues of social content differ depending on the countries, on the historical, economic and cultural development, the nature of the socio-political system of society. New technological advances of the information revolution are complemented by new media opportunities: interactivity, multimedia, personalization of information, globalization, convergence, hypertext, speed, mobility, digitalization, multifunctionality.
The formation of the information policy of Kazakhstan requires the priority of national interests, and the developing information and cultural space requires active integration into the near and far abroad. At the same time, modernization of the country can be successful while preserving the society’s identity in the context of globalization, which is achieved in the process of a certain balance between external and internal circumstances, between the impulse from outside and the internal potential of society to improve, in the development of the national telecommunications infrastructure with access to the world’s scientific and technological resources, technical information that can turn the supply of information of local origin to the global market.

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Как цитировать

С., Б., & К., М. (2019). The new social-cultural order and new media in Kazakhstan. Журналистика сериясы, 52(2), 99–103.