Modern media education in kazakhstan


  • Бaрлыбaевa С. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Кілттік сөздер:

media education, information technologies, modern journalism, Kazakhstan, mass com- munication, new media.


The development of mass communication is carried out in the era of the global digital revolution. Innovative technologies and globalization mutually reinforce each other, giving acceleration and scope. Modern advances in the development of the Internet, mobile telephony, cable satellite TV, digital broad- casting are changing the course of development of world communications, the information landscape of countries and regions. New technical advances of the information revolution are complemented by new mass media capabilities: interactivity, multimedia, personalization of information, globalization, convec- tion, mobility, etc. The XX1 century came, it brought with it modern media technologies: the Internet, flash drives, CDs  and DVDs, cell phones, smartphones, email, new media. Currently, digitalization of    all aspects of human activity. First of all, it concerns the media of communication. With the new media came another media culture that changes our consciousness, our tastes, requests, changes information consumption, communication guidelines, opens up new information resources, expands new horizons of the media education. Mass media not only translate the existing system of values, but also actively form a new cognitive information space. The rapid development of information technologies, new media: the blogosphere, social networks, the transition to digital broadcasting in the XXI century - necessitated the understanding of information and educational processes in Kazakhstan.

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

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