Патшалық Ресей баспасөзіндегі қазақ тарихына қазіргі көзқарас


  • M. K. Zhakyp Манаш Қозыбаев атындағы Солтүстік Қазақстан университеті, Қазақстан, Петропавл қ. http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2574-4412


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The aim of the article is the scientific study of the Kazakh theme in the journal publications of Russian researchers: the colonial content in the essays of N.S. Lykoshin, the political view in the manuscript of military scout M.I.Venyukov, which were included in the "Turkestan collection".

Main directions and ideas – researching and cognizing the life of the Kazakh people before the October revolution of 1917. It can be noted that the vast wealth of publications in Russian-language periodicals is important for the study of historical journalism. In this connection, the press materials in “Turkestan collection” were not considered one-sidedly. An attempt to comprehensively highlight issues not covered in it was made. The information and data related to the Kazakh people and Kazakh steppe in a number of scientific collections, as well as various periodicals were carefully analyzed and compared.

Genre features of publicistic works on research of the Kazakh steppe in the "Turkestan collection" are allocated; editions of Russian newspapers and magazines included in the Collection are systematized according to journalistic genres. The publications about the social situation of the Kazakh people in the late XIX – early XX century written in the Russian periodicals united in the "Turkestan collection" are analyzed; and the reasons why newspapers and magazines considered and covered these issues as an area of the colonial policy of royal Russia are covered. The minerals of the Kazakh land and the description of the natural state in Russian periodicals with a general physical and geographical description of the Kazakh steppe, which abounds in "Turkestan collection", are emphasized.

Key conclusions, analysis, and concept. The policy of royal Russia in relation to Central Asia was carried out in the following three stages. During the first period, i.e. between the beginning and the 40s of the 19th century: both sides communicated through diplomatic representatives and tried to solve disputed issues peacefully. In the second period, covering the 40's and 60's of the XIX century, the Russian policy towards the region took a different character and took the form of "showing its military capabilities". The first military campaigns against Central Asian khanates began. In the third period, corresponding to the middle of the 60's and 80's of the XIX century, the royal government abandoned diplomatic negotiations and began to conquer the Kazakh lands by military force. The information and facts about it were systematized and the contents of publicistic works comprehensively covering the events of these three periods in the Russian press from "Turkestan collection" were analyzed.

Keywords: N.S. Lykoshin, M.I. Venyukov, life of the Kazakh people, journalistic works, essays.

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

Ewans, Martin (2010). Securing the Indian frontier in Central Asia: Confrontation and negotiation, 1865-95 (Book), pp. 1-200.
Campbell, I.W. Russian rule in Central Asia // Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Central Asia, 2021, pp. 26–40.
Sartori, P. (2014). Constructing colonial legality in Russian central Asia: On guardianship // Comparative Studies in Society and History, № 56(2), pp. 419-447.
Schimmelpenninck Van Der Oye, D. (2014). Paul's great game: Russia's plan to invade British India // Central Asian Survey, № 33(2), pp. 143-152.
Schorkowitz, D. Was Russia a colonial empire? // Shifting Forms of Continental Colonialism: Unfinished Struggles and Tensions, 2019, pp. 117–147.
Kök, E. Timurid Monuments as Seen by the Russian Painter Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin (1842-1904): Documentation of the Cultural Heritage in Central Asia // Art-Sanat Dergisi, 2022 (18), с. 263-294.
Levi, Scott C. (2017). The rise and fall of Khoqand, 1709-1876: Central Asia in the global age (Book), pp. 1-288.
Marshall, A. (2006). The Russian general staff and Asia 1860-1917. (Book). King's College London, United Kingdom.
Peterson, M.K. (2016). Engineering Empire: Russian and foreign hydraulic experts in Central Asia, 1887-1917 | [L'Empire et l'ingénierie hydraulique: Les experts russes et étrangers en Asie centrale, 1887-1917] // Cahiers du Monde Russe, № 57(1), pp. 125-146
Weeks, Theodore R. (2006). Managing empire: Tsarist nationalities policy // The Cambridge History of Russia Volume 2: Imperial Russia, 1689-1917, pp. 27-441.
Венюков М.И. Путешествие по окраинам русской Азии. – СПб., 1868. – 526 с. // Туркестанский сб. – 1868. – Т. 9. – С. 1-528.
Венюков М.И. Очерк географических исследований в Азиатской России. – Военный сборник. – 1877. – № 7. – С. 1-81 // Туркестанский сб. – 1878. – Т. 185.
Венюков М.И. Опыт военного обозрения русских границ в Азии. – СПб., 1873. – 441 с. // Туркестанский сб. – 1873. – Т. 55.
Венюков М.И. Опыт военного обозрения русских границ в Азии. – СПб., 1873. – Ч. 2. – С. 321-487. /Продолж. Ч. 1/ + 79 с. Приложений. Библиография: 33 назв. // Туркестанский сб. – 1873. – Т. 56. – Ч. 2. – С. 321-487.
Венюков М.И. Заметки о степных походах в Средней Азии. – Военный сборник. – 1873 // Туркестанский сб. – 1873. – Т. 48. – С. 331-360.
Венюков М.И. Этнографическая карта Азиатской России. Масштаб: в английском дюме 250 верст или 1/10, 500,000. Год издания 1873. – Венюков М. Опыт военного обозрения русских границ в Азии. – СПб., 1873. – Ч. 2 // Туркестанский сб. – 1873. – Т. 56.
Венюков М.И. Население Хивы // Туркестанский сб. – 1873. – Т. 83. – С. 49.
Венюков М.И. Поземельные приобретения и уступки России за 30 лет, 1850-80 гг. – Русская мысль, IV. – С. 131. – Рец.: Северцов. Заметка о наших Средне-азиатских владениях. – Слово. – 1880. – № 8 // Туркестанский сб. – 1881. – Т. 275. – С. 96-103.
Венюков М.И. – Русская мысль. – 1893. – №5.
Венюков М.И. – Русская мысль. – 1897. – 3 книга. – С. 60.
Венюков М.И. Туркестанские вопросы. – Русская мысль. – 1899. – №9 // Туркестанский сб. – 1907. – Т. 438. – С. 85-91.
Голодная степь, 1867-1917. История края в документах. – М., 1981. – С. 187-188.
Комаров П. Еще о колонизации Сыр-Дарьинского побережья. – Туркестанские ведомости. 1903. – № 100 // Туркестанский сб. – 1907. – Т. 440. – С. 79-81.
Комаров П. Из киргизских поверий. – Туркестанские ведомости. – 1905. – № 150 // Туркестанский сб. – 1907. – Т. 440. – С. 94-96.
Комаров П. Каракульские овцы в Чимкентском уезде. – Туркестанское сельское хозяйство. – 1907. – № 1 // Туркестанский сб. – 1908. – Т. 455. – С. 127-128.
Комаров П. Киргизские пастухи. – Туркестанские ведомости. – 1907. – № 17 // Туркестанский сб. – 1907. – Т. 435. – С. 49-50.
Кузнецова А.В. М.И. Венюков о методах освоения русского Туркестана // http://new.hist.asu.ru/biblio/zalk/119.
Лыкошин Н. Очерк археологических изысканий в Туркестанском крае до учреждения Туркестанского кружка любителей археологии. – Средне-азиатский вестник. – 1896. - №№ 7, 8 // Туркестанский сб. – 1908. – Т. 466. – С. 175-204.
Лыкошин Н. Очерк археологических изысканий в Туркестанском крае до учреждения Туркестанского кружка любителей археологии. – Средне-азиатский вестник. – 1896. - № 7. – С. 1-33; № 9. – С. 1-26 // Туркестанский сб. – 1909. – Т. 522. – С. 1-17; Т. 523. – С. 1-13.
Лыкошин Н.С. Хороший тон на Востоке. – М.: АСТ, 2005. – 288 с.
Лыкошин Н.С. Полжизни в Туркестане: Очерки быта туземного населения. – СПб., 1916. – С. 200.
Лыкошин Н.С. – Туркестанские ведомости. – 1912. – №18. – 22 января.
Лыкошин Н.С. Хороший тон на Востоке. К полувековому юбилею завоевания русскими Туркестанского края. – П., 1915 // Туркестанский сб. – 1916. – Т. 584. – С. 1-84.
Лыкошин Н.С. – Туркестанские ведомости. – 1903. – №№79-80. – 1-5 октября.
Руднев Н. – Туркестанские ведомости. – 1900. – №№15-23. – 20 февраля (4 марта) – 19 марта (1 апреля).
Тилло А. – Туркестанские ведомости. – 1903. – №72. – 7 сентября.
Тилло А. – Туркестанские ведомости. – 1903. – №№83. – 16 октября.

Ewans, Martin (2010). Securing the Indian frontier in Central Asia: Confrontation and negotiation, 1865-95 (Book), pp. 1-200.
Campbell, I.W. Russian rule in Central Asia // Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Central Asia, 2021, pp. 26–40.
Sartori, P. (2014). Constructing colonial legality in Russian central Asia: On guardianship // Comparative Studies in Society and History, № 56(2), pp. 419-447.
Schimmelpenninck Van Der Oye, D. (2014). Paul's great game: Russia's plan to invade British India // Central Asian Survey, № 33(2), pp. 143-152.
Schorkowitz, D. Was Russia a colonial empire? // Shifting Forms of Continental Colonialism: Unfinished Struggles and Tensions, 2019, pp. 117–147.
Kök, E. Timurid Monuments as Seen by the Russian Painter Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin (1842-1904): Documentation of the Cultural Heritage in Central Asia // Art-Sanat Dergisi, 2022 (18), с. 263-294.
Levi, Scott C. (2017). The rise and fall of Khoqand, 1709-1876: Central Asia in the global age (Book), pp. 1-288.
Marshall, A. (2006). The Russian general staff and Asia 1860-1917. (Book). King's College London, United Kingdom.
Peterson, M.K. (2016). Engineering Empire: Russian and foreign hydraulic experts in Central Asia, 1887-1917 | [L'Empire et l'ingénierie hydraulique: Les experts russes et étrangers en Asie centrale, 1887-1917] // Cahiers du Monde Russe, № 57(1), pp. 125-146
Weeks, Theodore R. (2006). Managing empire: Tsarist nationalities policy // The Cambridge History of Russia Volume 2: Imperial Russia, 1689-1917, pp. 27-441.
Venjukov M.I. Puteshestvie po okrainam russkoj Azii A journey through the outskirts of Russian Asia. – SPb., 1868. – 526 s. // Turkestanskij sb. – 1868. – T. 9. – S. 1-528.
Venjukov M.I. Ocherk geograficheskih issledovanij v Aziatskoj Rossii Outline of Geographical Research in Asiatic Russia. – Voennyj sbornik. – 1877. – № 7. – S. 1-81 // Turkestanskij sb. – 1878. – T. 185.
Venjukov M.I. Opyt voennogo obozrenija russkih granic v Azii The experience of military review of Russian borders in Asia. – SPb., 1873. – 441 s. // Turkestanskij sb. – 1873. – T. 55.
Venjukov M.I. Opyt voennogo obozrenija russkih granic v Azii The experience of military review of Russian borders in Asia. – SPb., 1873. – Ch. 2. – S. 321-487. /Prodolzh. Ch. 1/ + 79 s. Prilozhenij. Bibliografija: 33 nazv. // Turkestanskij sb. – 1873. – T. 56. – Ch. 2. – S. 321-487.
Venjukov M.I. Zametki o stepnyh pohodah v Srednej Azii Notes on the steppe campaigns in Central Asia. – Voennyj sbornik. – 1873 // Turkestanskij sb. – 1873. – T. 48. – S. 331-360.
Venjukov M.I. Jetnograficheskaja karta Aziatskoj Rossii. Masshtab: v anglijskom djume 250 verst ili 1/10, 500,000. God izdanija 1873 Ethnographic map of Asiatic Russia. Scale: in the English dume 250 versts or 1/10, 500,000. Year of publication 1873. – Venjukov M. Opyt voennogo obozrenija russkih granic v Azii The experience of military review of Russian borders in Asia. – SPb., 1873. – Ch. 2 // Turkestanskij sb. – 1873. – T. 56.
Venjukov M.I. Naselenie Hivy Population of Khiva // Turkestanskij sb. – 1873. – T. 83. – S. 49.
Venjukov M.I. Pozemel'nye priobretenija i ustupki Rossii za 30 let, 1850-80 gg Land acquisitions and concessions to Russia over 30 years, 1850-80. – Russkaja mysl', IV. – S. 131. – Rec.: Severcov. Zametka o nashih Sredne-aziatskih vladenijah A note about our Central Asian possessions. – Slovo. – 1880. – № 8 // Turkestanskij sb. – 1881. – T. 275. – S. 96-103.
Venjukov M.I. – Russkaja mysl'. – 1893. – №5.
Venjukov M.I. – Russkaja mysl'. – 1897. – 3 kniga. – S. 60.
Venjukov M.I. Turkestanskie voprosy Turkestan issues. – Russkaja mysl'. – 1899. – №9 // Turkestanskij sb. – 1907. – T. 438. – S. 85-91.
Golodnaja step', 1867-1917. Istorija kraja v dokumentah Hungry steppe, 1867-1917. The history of the region in documents. – M., 1981. – S. 187-188.
Komarov P. Eshhe o kolonizacii Syr-Dar'inskogo poberezh'ja More about the colonization of the Syr-Darya coast. – Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1903. – № 100 // Turkestanskij sb. – 1907. – T. 440. – S. 79-81.
Komarov P. Iz kirgizskih poverij From Kyrgyz beliefs. – Turkestanskie vedomosti. – 1905. – № 150 // Turkestanskij sb. – 1907. – T. 440. – S. 94-96.
Komarov P. Karakul'skie ovcy v Chimkentskom uezde Karakul sheep in the Chimkent district. – Turkestanskoe sel'skoe hozjajstvo. – 1907. – № 1 // Turkestanskij sb. – 1908. – T. 455. – S. 127-128.
Komarov P. Kirgizskie pastuhi Kyrgyz shepherds. – Turkestanskie vedomosti. – 1907. – № 17 // Turkestanskij sb. – 1907. – T. 435. – S. 49-50.
Kuznecova A.V. M.I. Venjukov o metodah osvoenija russkogo Turkestana M.I. Venyukov on the methods of development of Russian Turkestan // http://new.hist.asu.ru/biblio/zalk/119.
Lykoshin N. Ocherk arheologicheskih izyskanij v Turkestanskom krae do uchrezhdenija Turkestanskogo kruzhka ljubitelej arheologii Essay on archaeological research in the Turkestan region before the establishment of the Turkestan circle of lovers of archeology. – Sredne-aziatskij vestnik. – 1896. - №№ 7, 8 // Turkestanskij sb. – 1908. – T. 466. – S. 175-204.
Lykoshin N. Ocherk arheologicheskih izyskanij v Turkestanskom krae do uchrezhdenija Turkestanskogo kruzhka ljubitelej arheologii Essay on archaeological research in the Turkestan region before the establishment of the Turkestan circle of lovers of archeology. – Sredne-aziatskij vestnik. – 1896. - № 7. – S. 1-33; № 9. – S. 1-26 // Turkestanskij sb. – 1909. – T. 522. – S. 1-17; T. 523. – S. 1-13.
Lykoshin N.S. Horoshij ton na Vostoke Good tone in the East. – M.: AST, 2005. – 288 s.
Lykoshin N.S. Polzhizni v Turkestane: Ocherki byta tuzemnogo naselenija Half a Life in Turkestan: Essays on the Life of the Indigenous Population. – SPb., 1916. – S. 200.
Lykoshin N.S. – Turkestanskie vedomosti. – 1912. – №18. – 22 janvarja.
Lykoshin N.S. Horoshij ton na Vostoke. K poluvekovomu jubileju zavoevanija russkimi Turkestanskogo kraja Good tone in the East. To the half-century anniversary of the Russian conquest of the Turkestan region. – P., 1915 // Turkestanskij sb. – 1916. – T. 584. – S. 1-84.
Lykoshin N.S. – Turkestanskie vedomosti. – 1903. – №№79-80. – 1-5 oktjabrja.
Rudnev N. – Turkestanskie vedomosti. – 1900. – №№15-23. – 20 fevralja (4 marta) – 19 marta (1 aprelja).
Tillo A. – Turkestanskie vedomosti. – 1903. – №72. – 7 sentjabrja.
Tillo A. – Turkestanskie vedomosti. – 1903. – №№83. – 16 oktjabrja.


