The impact of globalization on the development of Kazakh television


  • K.K., Kabylgazina al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • A., Alim al-Farabi Kazakh National Univesrity, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • А. Belgarayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh national university, Faculty of Journalism, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        52 122


Television , evolution, western television, public consciousness, camera, equipment, telecentre, totalitarian policy.


The purpose of studying historical materials, which become an integral part of the day today through
television, taking into account the stages of evolutionary development of Kazakh television. Television
in the formation of public consciousness and public opinion, which marks 60 years of its existence, the
study of the influence of the historical development of Kazakh television on the first stages of the road. To
determine the evolutionary development of social and political systems. Western influence on the ways
of determining the functions of Kazakhstani television, with reference to the development of television,
so today’s article is the study of the role of television as the main aspect. One of the most important
public phenomena is television access to people’s lives. The first TV studio in Kazakhstan was officially
broadcast on March 8, 1958, the first domestic television and television center in Almaty. Because of
lack of television specialists in the first years, newspapers and radio journalists were invited to the serISSN
1563-0242 Herald of journalism. №1 (47). 2018 129
Қaбылғaзинa К. және т.б.
vice. Therefore, newspapers and radio were often used. The most widely used information television
newsletters are these 5-hour information bulletins, which are regularly updated from the UK and the Republic.
Television has been in the country since the opening of 37 years after the appearance of American
television. In the first place, 37 years – a very long period of time, and the television in Kazakhstan was
a totalitarian system. By the way, it did not turn out to be the top ten. Just in the modern world, it is possible
to distribute the software to the countries of the world.
Key words: Television , evolution, western television, public consciousness, camera, equipment,
telecentre, totalitarian policy.

Author Biographies

K.K., Kabylgazina, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty

u.o. professor,

A., Alim, al-Farabi Kazakh National Univesrity, Kazakhstan, Almaty

st. teacher,


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How to Cite

Kabylgazina, K., Alim, A., & Belgarayeva А. (2018). The impact of globalization on the development of Kazakh television. Herald of Journalism, 47(1), 128–134. Retrieved from