Telzhan Shonanuly – the defender of nation, the universal scientist


  • A. Mektepteqi al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazahstan, Almaty,
  • L.Q. Quanyshova al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        71 658


scientist, national spirituality, teacher, public figure, Alash.


In article there is a speech about creative life of the scientist Telzhan Shonanovich who was born
in 1894. The scientist’s contribution to the Kazakh literature and spirituality of the people is estimated.
Comparing and analyzing materials, friendship and the scientist’s relation with representatives Alash
speaks. Besides, the scientist, the educator, festival invitation of the teacher in years wrote, to life volume
works important data. Wrote it every year the analysis of works is carried out. And also a role, in that as
a result between society and the importance. 12. And festival of others invitation of the teacher activity
of properties of comprehensive is given the characteristic. Every year merits to the population and
morality and Parasat of a paryn fixed. Value all all life a lesson, standard, defined in quality and on short
and properties of a tarazylanada. The scientist formation importance comprehensive the speech will be
educational process. At the same time, wrote for festival invitation of the teacher is qualified services
and to Kazakh. For adults and the literatures which rendered to the population and formation profit will
finish. Fundamentals of science it is difficult to find a difference between life and the general scientist.
Therefore, titan and fate of creativity lesson completely hybrid. And as heads the figure will be the description
to a vetvepolzovatel. Repeated research and twenty years Works of the scientist, rehabilitation
are told to the island.

Author Biographies

A. Mektepteqi, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazahstan, Almaty,

Candidate of Philology,

L.Q. Quanyshova, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty



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How to Cite

Mektepteqi, A., & Quanyshova, L. (2018). Telzhan Shonanuly – the defender of nation, the universal scientist. Herald of Journalism, 47(1), 144–150. Retrieved from