Borrowing by Akyt Ulimzhuly of oral techniques of Zhyrau and the written and literary tradition of Abai
Key words: oral tradition, Parry-Lord’s law, formula style, formula grammar, zhyrau, poetic system, literary translation, literary translation.Abstract
The main purpose of this research article was to study the influence of the oral poetic tradition of
Zhyrau and the writing and literary tradition of Abai on the work of a prominent akyn of the second half
of the XIX century Akyt Ulimzhuly. This is extremely relevant both for the study of oral theory in terms of
formula grammar and formula style, and for the theory and practice of literary translation. The founders
of such an effective methodology were American folklorists M. Parry and A. B. Lord, known to us as the
authors of the oral theory.
ISSN 1563-0242 Herald of journalism. №3 (49). 2018 27
eISSN 2617-7978
Жaнaбaев К. и др.
Therefore, in the literary translation of ancient folklore, oral individual poetry and professionalauthor
literature of the late 19th century, we always deal with the law of formula grammar (Parry-Lord),
a strict rule that should always be observed. This directly applies to the translation of the poetic heritage
of Akyt Ulimzhuly, the didactic author of the second half of the nineteenth century. It is to his work that
the special interest of numerous researchers, translators, and simply fans of culture has increased today.
Before turning to the important aspects of literary translation, it is necessary to pay attention to the
unconditional influence of the oral tradition of zhyrau, both on the formation of the classical written and
literary tradition of Abai, and on the educational work of the prominent poet of the second half of the 19th
century, Akyt Ulimzhuly. But in the poetry of the latter, there are also a large number of didactic themes,
motifs, poetic turns, reminiscences, allusions of Abai, and the preceding instructive-didactic tradition.
Therefore, in the pre-translation process of preparing works of Akyt Ulimzhiuly, deep textual work
is required, establishing the degree and nature of the influence of the ancient oral-poetic tradition of
zhyrau and folklore, Abai himself on his younger contemporary, Akyt. There is also an urgent need for
a comparative analysis of the artistic and stylistic organization and poetic system of the works of two
outstanding poets, Akyt Ulyumzhuly and Abay
Thus, the result of the artistic and stylistic and ideological and thematic fusion, oral and stylistic
tradition and poetry of Abai was the wonderful poetry of Akyt Ulyumzhuly, a bright enlightener, public
figure, heir to the ancient steppe knowledge of the second half of the XIX century. This is proved by a
comparative analysis of poetic formulas and stylistic repetitions in the works studied.
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